Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Spring is in the air

This winter was the worst winter that I have ever experienced. Negative ((30)) wind chills, endless snow and not to mention the electric bill. With that said, I can not express to you how excited I am to be having some warmer weather. Well, ((40)) degrees isn't that warm but it sure feels like it after how cold it has been! Being a northerner, something just sort of happens to you when you can feel the warm rays of the sun. People come to life. It's like your mood instantly shifts and frowns are turned upside down. People come out of hibernation and the city no longer looks abandoned. The dirty snow melts away and the dead grass starts to revive. Tree's start to fill with leaves and the lake is no longer covered with ice. Flowers start to bloom and birds start to chirp. Its time to put away the sweatpants people! Spring is in the air :)
((I took this picture last summer using my    Olloclipcamera lens attachment for the iPhone.))

      Some of my favorite things about summer:

Music festivals
Cook outs
Lake Michigan
Taking pictures
     What are your favorite things about summer?

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